Rethinking Alcohol

After a four-year sober curious journey, I finally said "good-bye" to alcohol in 2021. My mission is to help people understand the harms of alcohol and to make decisions about their drinking in line with their life's goals. I am not an addiction counselor, but I can help those who are social drinkers make more mindful decisions with their alcohol intake. 

When I look back, I had so many signals that alcohol was harming me. From the rare times I over-indulged and embarrassed myself to the nightly 3 am self-admonitions, I was constantly in a private conversation in my head about my drinking. 

Elizabeth Hubbell, Rethinking Alcohol through the Eight Limbs of Yoga

Articles on rethinking alcohol

Take a closer look at your pictures

Remember the first few years when you were on your own? This is usually the period when we’re paying our own bills for the first time, working entry-level jobs, and deciding who we want to be in life. While they seemed like a constant struggle at the time, I look back on those years fondly. I moved to Colorado when I was 26 — 2000 miles from where I grew up. These were FUN years full of parties, new friendships, gaining confidence in my profession, and meeting my future husband. I lived in a spa

AWAKE: Awakening the Senses in Colorado —

What got me most excited were the bubbles! Along with a decent wine list, the menu features sparkling wines from Grüvi, Noughty, and SOVI. I couldn’t resist creating my own flight to sample. For those who lean more toward crafted cocktails, their menu changes seasonally while also providing classics such as Awake 75, Old Fashioneds, and Margaritas.

The food menu is rather limited, especially for vegans. We had a burrito, hummus, and almonds. All were fine, though clearly are not the focus of

Rosé all day (without the hangover)

Oh, how I used to love Champagne! I loved the celebratory pop (or sigh, depending on your method of uncorking) and that mouthwatering mix of fruit + yeast + effervescence. I loved using my silver wine chiller and those elegant crystal flutes. I enjoyed learning about the very history of Champagne, especially that of the Widow Cliquot, and made a memorable trek in early 2015 to Reims to tour the wine caves. (The photo is from the Cliquot cellars which were originally dug by the Romans. Since then

Elizabeth's story: "Dry January gave me a chance to 'practice' not drinking"

I’ll be one of the first to admit that I totally bought into the whole “wine is good for you” campaign. I considered myself a wine and champagne connoisseur, subscribing to wine clubs, touring wine and champagne vineyards as destination vacations, and regularly pairing a bottle with each dinner when planning our weekly menu. For me, alcohol was a prerequisite for any type of celebration, for kicking off the weekend, and to relax after a tough day. I never considered myself a problem drinker, yet

“No thanks; I don’t drink.”

I found myself uttering those words for the first time in my adult life a few weeks ago. I had just checked into my hotel room and room service came by with an amenity (one of the occasional perks of my job) that included snacks and a bottle of wine. The words came out fluidly and without much thought. I later wondered if my response was accurate – after all, I haven’t sworn off alcohol for always and forever, but I’m definitely enjoying this long break from it. All summer, my go-to response has

The End of Sober Summer and a New Start

It’s the first official evening after the end of my Sober Summer. When I started this, I wasn’t sure what the first day of Fall would look like. Would I treat myself to a congratulatory bottle of Clicquot? Head to my favorite wine bar for a flight of champagne?

As it turns out, these five months have ingrained new habits. I no longer crave bubbly or any alcohol for that matter. I have an after-dinner routine now where I either mix a healthy shrub, pour a kombucha into a champagne flute, or open


The resources included on and linked to this site are for informational purposes only to help moderate drinkers reduce or omit alcohol. It is not intended to serve as a substitute for professional medical advice. If you have been diagnosed with Alcohol Use Disorder or suspect you may have a severe addiction, please consult your doctor. The author specifically disclaims any and all liability arising directly or indirectly from the use of any information contained in this book. A healthcare professional should be consulted regarding your specific situation. Any product mentioned in this book does not imply endorsement of that product by the author or publisher. Please consult a doctor before doing any new practice.